Freelancers, is 20% fee too much ?

Created: 1 year ago

Freelancers, is 20% fee too much ?

As a freelancer, the moment you delve into your financial calculations can feel like a sucker punch when you discover your actual take-home pay. Fees, taxes, and your final earnings can initially seem startling.

But is it as painful as it appears?

Here's my perspective on it.

Imagine you're offering an average consulting service for $330. After deducting a 20% fee, you're left with $264. Subtract the average tax of 15%, and your net income dwindles to around $224.

That's a $106 reduction from your initial service charge, a significant chunk that goes straight from your pocket.

It's understandable why some might be tempted to conduct business outside of a structured marketplace like However, it's essential to understand that it's not always about earning more, but about the value you provide within a system.

There's an undeniable peace of mind that comes after completing a successful job for a satisfied client. It's comforting to know that a system is in place to ensure you've fulfilled your obligations.

So, what does AiExperts provide for our freelancers? First and foremost, a verified profile, innovative ideas, and coaching to help humans excel. AiExperts is continually brainstorming ways to help you attract more clients and work towards YOUR SUCCESS. The fees also allow the AiMatrix to continue running.

These fees continue to pay for Cynthia tokens to ensure once again that you and our clients are successful. We continue to focus on long-term client relationships.

Wishing everyone on the team an incredible day, and the very best in all your endeavors.

If you would like to learn more about becoming an AI Expert, please do contact me. I would like to brainstorm ideas and get you verified and published on the marketplace.

PS: I'm excited to announce the creation of AiExperts University, a unique opportunity for freelancers to learn, get certified, and let the world know they are genuine AI experts through

Also, work on a subscription system has begun. I am super excited for this, as it allows freelancers to sell subscription services. 🔥

Too learn more about our fees visit


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